Saturday 11 December 2010

Burger SI Gemok ..........

hello Mello(ive always rhyming these days) haha...

aku rasa arini nak share recipe burger yg dah bekurun di buat.gamba nih pon dah bersawang kat dlm komp nih hehe.ok recepi nih aku just create out of boredom.Tetiba dpt ilham n mmg utilise ape yg ada kat dapur tuh jek.x lah pandai mane pon aku msk tapi saja nak share kat sini.
ni lah rupa my burger si gemok.x lah salivating sangat.....but sangat sedap for me(mesti kat korang kata POYO  jek bdak gemok, nih buat sendiri puji sendiri) hahah....

  1. daging kisar 400 gram (nih wajib beli kat super indo JATOS kalu x mmg x jadi. matilaa nak kne dtg bandung wat burger nih.
  2. braead crumbs....aku x bli kedai pon just gne roti tawar jenama seri roti.just keringkan n main2 ngan roti sampai jdi serbuk( waaaaaaa macam maner tuh lu pikir sendiri)
  3. diced onion satu labu.......
  4. diced garlic dlm 5 cloves aku letak arituh...kalau x silap lah.
  5. 1 Tbs blackpepper nih ditumbuk yer kalu blend pon x pe,,,tp tyme nih x dek blender lg(cam bodo jek instruction nih)
  6. 1Tbs coriander......nih pon tumbuk (sblm ade org tanyer apa benda nih dlm bhasa melayu......baik aku jawap. ketumbar yer puan2......)
  7. 1 1/2 Tbs worcestershire sauce. kat sini panggil saus inggeris..jgan tanyer aku saus melayu boleh guna or x? da damn!
  8. 1 Tbs mustard
  9. garam secukup rasa
  10. telur 1 biji
how to...
  1. ok firstly buka lagu pocho2 haha.gelek dulu regang kn apa yg patut diregangkn (wajib buat nanti x jadi...mcmlah burger boleh bantat mcm kek hikhik
  2. campurkn semua bahan kecuali telur. gaul dlm periuk, nih petua nenek kebayan gunung ledang. padahal dapur aku x dek besen.
  3. pastuh masukan telur sedikit demi sedikit.....sampai adunan jd mcm dough
  4. perap kejap dlm 30 minit kalu nak sebulan pon bole...
  5. sementara nih smbg blk pocho2 yg menjadi irama back ground dari tadi.peluhkn badan pastikan peluh x masuk dlm adunan burger..nanti ada perasa tambahan
  6. lepas nih cuit adunan sebesar bola golf....gentel smp bulat pastuh leperkan mcm burger
  7. burger dah siap boleh di goreng atau dibakar
  8. kepitkan ngan roti buh skit mustard n salad nih pon nak kne ajar ker
  9. lepas makan dlm 1 jam smbg poco2 supaya pembuatan baja organih boleh bermula.....

saus inggeris nak guna sambal belacan...sambal terasi pon bole!

rupa burger Si Gemok.....tyme nih aku salut telur feeling2 burger special cam kat msia tuh n buh cheese jgak

cheese yg meleleh tuh sangat membuat aku drooling pagi nih! nyway burger patties nih rasa  sikit2 mcm McDonald's punyer burger sikit jek lah

salad sbg side dish....aku buh carrot, green apple, tomato, salad n gne dressing mustard+pepper+honey+garam.
P/s x tanggung kalau burger krg x jadi...hikhik

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Kek Batik Orang Bujang dan batu belah

salam....well i hv been wanted to post dis ages ago..but then again the internet connection wont let me to do so.
i guess being abroad hv taught me a lot of courage and even the paragons to endure life. things is not always happen da way you wanted, so u just hv to suck up and live la vida!! heeheee

okay enuf for babling here and its da prime time inroducing (drum roll sket)!!!!


aku tau krg penat scroll......................
x pe scroll lagi
lepak jap kat tangkuban perahu nih.............sejok worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

TADAAAAAAAAAA  KeK BatiK AcaP...Yg di-decorate oleh aku!!!!  nak jgek name aku tuh......kalo x kempunan masuk batu belah batu bertangkup pulak kang....matilaaaaaaaaa!
close up sket............walaupon aku x buat kek pnat jgak mekap2 kan dier.... amacam leh  jd chef pastry x!

sila abaikan kertas Learning issue kat bawah pinggan import dari rumah birthday girl....almaklumlah org bujang mane ade pinggan besar!!!!!!!    tipah malu! tipah malu! tipah tertipu! sheila majid jangn marah yer!!!!
posing2 ala DIVA KAMPUNG CIKUDA!!!! haha terpoyo plak dah.....jangn risau   sape yg meleleh air liur boleh jek nak resipi kek kne mintak IZIN pembuat KEK nih..............Jangan kempunan MASUK BATU BELAH sudahhhhhhhhh!!!!

Sunday 21 November 2010

Wednesday 10 November 2010

its been a looooooooooog time folks...........

iv been very busy lately i mean super duper muper busy...(dah tak tau nak buh ape lagi hikhikhik). i realize my last post was back in sorry morry yaa!!sorry seems to be the hardest words........tetiba teringat lagu neh..........sambung ur self okay.......lalalalalala...ade org bace ker blog ineh....terperasan sejenak disitu...!!

okay from last august there hv been many kind of things happen to me......first i got back for Hari Raya in layan pics sekejap......

"dipagi raya terkenang daku kepada si dia"................
tuh yg posing ala2 ingat marka!!!!

sesi laga2 boobies wit my mama!   erk!!! seb baik x berjurai air mata (bercucuran... air mata.....feeling2 aisyah boleh?)

owh may kampung is in pekena pasembur acara wajib! (sme kyusuk... tuh x posing tuh)

so after raya i, i got back to my classes......which is kindda fun bcoz it a new system......its Endocrinology and Metabolism da way im in my second yur now....Alhamdulliah....ive been blessed.....but that is over in nu system which is Neurobehaviour and Special Sense System...dis system Hard!!!! i mean uber hard......its like u have to know all about the kingdom of brain....the physiology....pathogenesis....and pathophysiology.....fenin eden!!!

scandal wit da abg manny......hahahahah 

apa lu cita bro!!!

scandal ala2 AKU SCANDAL..........hilarious tutormate (ain,abg manny,sothi)

okay, i thing thats all from me.....tata folks...

p/s-insyallah nanti update psal bandung games lak.....tyme nih scandal ngan Yuna plak...hehe
      (esok exam CRP-community research sempat foya2 ngan blogie nih   sentapsss!!!)

Thursday 5 August 2010

from a city to a beautiful kampung in Cikuda, sumedang.

i guess evrything have to have a kick-start. hehe..dis is ma first post and i wonder what i would put on ma blog. it was a very long and winding journey that i hv for ma 20 yurs of life.for a start i think its better for me to share why i named my blog that way...well i was a boy who happen to born in kuala lumpur and raise in urbanising Ipoh(which still a city),hehe but for now i live in a completely a diff nu world, Bandung was a very unique n to be frank...... crowded...heheheh. well i guess im gonna stuck here for 5 yurs has been a yur...another 4 yurs to go...

well recently ive just moved from my first yur a beautiful kampung in Cikuda

                                dis is ma first yur dormitory.......i tell u its was very chill day in day out..

                                 ma uni gate at nite.......

                              and dis is where i stay now........amacam lawa x....heheheh
                               (still under construction......ill upload when its ready)